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Can Instagram influencers sustain their business ?


Explore the unexpected journey of Kylie Jenner, evolving from a TV personality to an Instagram influencer. Despite initial struggles, she transformed into the youngest self-made billionaire at 21, leveraging her status as a social media icon. In the era of Instagram, ordinary individuals can attain celebrity status overnight. Brands recognize the power of Instagram influencers, forming authentic connections with audiences. This shift gave rise to influencer marketing, with brands eager to associate with content creators for natural endorsements. The success of these collaborations is evident in increased sales and brand visibility. However, the COVID-19 pandemic altered consumer behavior, impacting influencer-rich categories. While some influencers adapt, others face challenges.


Instagram’s Evolution

Unveiling the unexpected journey of Kylie Jenner, a television star turned Instagram influencer, highlights the transformative power of social media. From struggling to find her place in the Kardashian empire, Kylie emerged as the youngest self-made billionaire at just 21. Her success, largely attributed to Instagram influence, challenges traditional notions of hard work and patience. The platform’s vast reach, boasting over a billion monthly users, provides individuals with the opportunity to achieve celebrity status overnight. As businesses recognize the influence of Instagram creators, a new era of brand associations emerges, reshaping the advertising landscape.

Brand Dynamics

Delving into the dynamics between brands and Instagram influencers uncovers the deeper level of connection achieved through authentic endorsements. Unlike traditional commercials, Instagram influencers offer a genuine, relatable connection with their audience. Brands recognize the potential of influencing purchasing decisions through these content creators. Successful associations with Instagram influencers result in immediate sales spikes, marking a paradigm shift in advertising strategies. Instagram’s community, surpassing a billion users, becomes a lucrative business for both influencers and brands. The platform’s “Instagram Rich List” reflects the financial success of influencers, with Kylie Jenner leading the way, earning millions for each post.

Impact of COVID-19

Examining the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic reveals significant shifts in consumer behavior and brand strategies. With people staying indoors and prioritizing essential spending, brands reassess advertising budgets. The once-inspiring, lavish lifestyles portrayed by Instagram influencers lose appeal in the current global scenario. As brand associations temporarily diminish, influencers face challenges in maintaining their status. The future poses uncertainties, questioning whether influencers can adapt and reinvent themselves post-COVID or fade into obscurity.

Influencer Resilience

The resilience of Instagram influencers becomes evident as they navigate the challenges posed by the pandemic. Influencers in genres like fashion, beauty, and luxury travel, hit hardest by the crisis, begin repositioning themselves. Some opt for alternative content creation, while others explore additional income streams. The shift in consumer interests during lockdown benefits influencers in categories such as health, fitness, wellness, interior design, and cooking. Notably, not all influencers face financial losses; some witness a surge in followers as people seek content aligned with their stay-at-home lifestyles.

Instagram’s Response

Instagram, recognizing the evolving landscape, introduces initiatives to sustain influencer engagement and revenue. Features like Instagram Badges in Live provide fans with enhanced features for purchasing badges during live videos. Creators gain an additional revenue stream, reinforcing Instagram’s commitment to supporting influencers. The introduction of IGTV ads shares advertisement revenue with creators, acknowledging their role in driving engagement. The platform’s adaptability and commitment to creator monetization align with the ever-changing digital landscape.


the journey from Kylie Jenner to everyday individuals becoming Instagram influencers showcases the platform’s transformative impact. The dynamics between influencers and brands evolve, emphasizing authentic connections. While the COVID-19 pandemic brings challenges, influencers resiliently adapt to changing realities. Instagram responds with features supporting creators and sustaining influencer engagement. The future holds uncertainties, but influencer success remains contingent on adaptability in the dynamic world of digital media. The Instagram era continues to redefine fame, success, and the way brands connect with consumers

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