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Emmett Shear, Interim CEO Of OpenAI, Once Referred AI “Dangerous


Emmett Shear has assumed the role of interim CEO at OpenAI, the force behind the widely used AI chatbot ChatGPT after Sam Altman’s sudden departure. During a recent appearance on The Logan Bartlett Show podcast, Emmett Shear voiced his concerns about the potential dangers of artificial intelligence (AI). He acknowledged the positives of AI but stressed that its upsides must be carefully balanced against its potential downsides. Shear also warned of the risk of AI surpassing human control, estimating the likelihood of such an event between 2-50%. As the tech world watches OpenAI’s leadership changes, Emmett Shear’s insights shed light on the evolving landscape of AI development and its implications for society.

Emmett Shear: The New Face of OpenAI 

As the dust settles from Sam Altman’s sudden exit, Emmett Shear emerges as the interim CEO of OpenAI. The transition brings a fresh perspective, as Shear, a former Twitch executive, steps into the complex realm of AI development.


Emmet Shear on The Logan Bartlett Show
Emmet Shear on The Logan Bartlett Show

The Logan Bartlett Show: Shear’s AI Concerns Unveiled

During a candid conversation on The Logan Bartlett Show, Emmett Shear highlighted the dual nature of AI. He acknowledged that while AI holds tremendous potential, it also comes with risks. Shear emphasized that “upsides usually outweigh downsides, and every technology can be misused.”

AI’s Problem-Solving Potential: Emmett Shear’s Optimistic View 

Emmett Shear expressed optimism about AI’s problem-solving capabilities. According to him, as AI advances, it could address a broad spectrum of challenges, essentially encompassing the entire spectrum of tasks involved in designing AI itself. This optimistic perspective aligns with the ongoing evolution of AI technologies.

Emmet Shear
Emmet Shear: New CEO of Open AI

The Ominous Threat: Shear Raises Concerns About AI Overpowering Civilization 

In a stark revelation, Shear acknowledged the ominous risk associated with AI – the potential to overpower human civilization. He assigned a significant risk factor, estimating the chances of such an event occurring to be between 2-50%. This recognition underscores the need for cautious advancement in the AI landscape.

Human Intervention: A Temporary Safeguard for AI 

Emmett Shear highlighted a current safeguard: the need for human intervention in AI enhancement. While AI currently requires human input for improvement, Shear cautioned that this dynamic may not last indefinitely. He foresaw a future where AI could autonomously and rapidly enhance itself, posing a potential threat due to the inherent power associated with intelligence.

Intelligence as Power: Shear Draws Parallels to a “Universe-Destroying Bomb” 

Drawing a vivid analogy, Shear likened the potential risks of advanced AI to a “universe-destroying bomb.” He emphasized that the impact of AI, if misused or left unchecked, could be on a scale that surpasses even global warming in its severity. The core message: the power embedded in intelligence necessitates responsible development.

OpenAI’s Evolution: A Glimpse into the Future Under Shear’s Leadership 

With OpenAI undergoing significant changes, including Emmett Shear’s appointment as interim CEO, the industry awaits insights into the company’s future trajectory. Shear’s unique perspective, shaped by his experience at Twitch and concerns about AI ethics, introduces a new chapter for OpenAI.

Altman’s Next Chapter: Leading AI Research at Microsoft 

Meanwhile, Sam Altman, the ousted OpenAI CEO, is set to embark on a new journey. Microsoft Chief Satya Nadella announced Altman’s leadership of a new AI research team at Microsoft. This collaboration could prove pivotal for Microsoft’s ongoing endeavors in the AI domain.

Shear’s Background: A Former Twitch Chief at the Helm 

Emmett Shear, 40, brings a wealth of experience to his role at OpenAI. Having spent over 16 years at Twitch, he stepped down as CEO in March, transitioning from the live video streaming platform to now navigate the complexities of AI leadership.

Open AI
Open AI

Industry Echoes Concerns: Apprehension Surrounding AI Domination 

As Emmett Shear’s concerns about AI resonate, it mirrors the broader sentiment within the tech industry. Various tech experts and CEOs share apprehensions about the capabilities of AI, raising a collective cautionary flag about the potential dominance of technology over humanity.

Navigating the Uncharted Waters of AI Under Shear’s Guidance 

Emmett Shear’s entrance into OpenAI marks a pivotal moment in the company’s journey. With a nuanced understanding of AI’s potential and risks, his leadership will play a crucial role in steering OpenAI through the uncharted waters of AI development. The industry watches with anticipation as OpenAI, under Shear’s guidance, shapes the future of artificial intelligence.


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